Showing posts with label Photoshop Performance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop Performance. Show all posts

10 steps to optimize photoshop performance part 2

  In "10 steps to optimize photoshop performance part 1", we have seen different settings that can be done to optimize photoshop peformance.In this article we will see remaining tricks.

6)GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) setting
  Number of Colors that  monitor displays ,pixel clarity and how many times image is refreshed depends on graphics card. Photoshop use  graphics card to speed up performance and to enable many features.
   If your PC or Laptop have graphics,you can use it to optimize photoshop performance. To do that go to menu Edit > preferences > Performance.

10 steps to optimize Photoshop Performance Part 1

   RAM , Cache , scratch disk and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) are main factors that affect your photoshop performance. We can optimize  photoshop peformance by doing some basic settings.In this article, we will cover various performance optimization technique.

1.Set RAM for Photoshop use
 go to menu Edit>Preferences>Performance.

 Here you will see 4 sections i.e Memory Usage, History & Cache , Scratch disk and GPU settings.